Registration Time

Online registration deadline: [Aug. 31th, 2023]

The online registeration can be canceled before Aug. 31th, 2023

Regular: 100 USD or 1000 CNY

Student: 90 USD or 800 CNY


Pay way(注册费缴纳方式)


1. "知校"高校小额收费支付宝平台
可通过"微微校"高校小额收费支付宝平台, 用支付宝转账, 交费二维码:

注意:(1) 在参会人一栏请填写所交费用的所有参会人名字; (2) 发票抬头单位及纳税信息请填写准确, 否则影响报账.

2. 直接汇至我校账号
账户名称: 华中农业大学
账号: 5547 5752 8331
开户行: 中行武汉华农支行
同城结算行号: 846006
支付系统行号: 1045 2100 4785

International T/T account information:

Beneficiary: Huazhong Agricultural University
Beneficiary's a/c No.: 5677 5754 4200
Beneficiary Bank: Bank of China Hubei Branch
Beneficiary Bank address: Bank of China Hubei Branch, Donghu Sub-branch 430079
Swift code: BKCHCNBJ600
Please leave a message (very important): "GNR2023", and your name etc.

Registration Fee Include

- All scientific sessions
- Poster sessions
- Meals as indicated in the conference program
- Program book

Registration Fee Does NOT Include


Cancellation and Refund Policy

Any cancellation of registration must be made in writing to before September 31th, 2023 . Refunds will be processed after the conference with a 15% charge of registration fee. 国内注册人员交费后取消注册的,主办方将在会后全款退回.

Replacement of delegates will be accepted at no extra charge provided a written request is submitted to by September 31th, 2023 .


For any assistance please contact

Ms. Huaxia Chen

    Tel: (86-27) 87285127
